Supporting Gore Hill in Leamington, Wheatley ON

Dr. Abraham and the team at Abraham Orthodontics were very excited to announce support of restoration of the soccer nets at Gore Hill Public School in Leamington, ON.

Dr. Abraham presented this on Halloween as part of National Orthodontic Health Month and looks forward to working with Gore Hill Public School for their community needs.

No referral is required to see Dr. Abraham for a free consultations. Book an appointment 519-398-8101

Dr. Abraham is an Orthodontist serving Wheatley ON, Essex ON and Amherstburg ON with an office in Leamington, ON. Free consultations and our complimentary Growing Smiles club ensure all children in Windsor-Essex can have healthy, beautiful smiles for life! We provide treatment for children and adults with Invisalign, braces and more!

Call to book your free appointment today: 519-398-8101
